There are a number of factors that can cause your home or commercial foundation to be compromised.  From a settling structure and tree roots, to basement flooding and concrete that was improperly mixed at the time the foundation was laid the causes are varied.  If your home or commercial foundation is showing signs of damage or distress, it is essential that you contact the professionals here at Foundation Repairs & Home Improvement as soon as possible to perform a full inspection and overall assessment of your property.   This early inspection will help to mitigate damages to your compromised foundation and save you a great deal of money down the road in repair costs and other expenses.

Most property owners are truly unaware of the signs and indicators that point to potential foundation problems and damages.  Our team of highly experienced foundation repair and waterproofing specialists has taken this opportunity to provide you with a list of indicators that your compromised foundation is in need of repair and attention.  Here are some obvious indicators:

  • Foundation cracks and deterioration
  • Crumbling concrete
  • Uneven floors in your home or building
  • Visibly slanted mortar joints
  • Basement walls that are buckling
  • Water, mold and mildew damage that is present
  • Hairline cracks and fractures throughout the structure
  • Doors and windows that appear to not fit properly

If you are a home or business owner who has noticed any of the signs above then do not delay.  Rather contact our foundation repair specialists here at Foundation Repairs & Home Improvement immediately in order to mitigate damages that can and will occur.  One of our foundation experts will come out to your home or business and conduct a free damage consultation, inspection and assessment.  Keep in mind that once you have a compromised foundation the more susceptible it will be to damage, such as basement flooding, and mold and mildew issues.  When foundation issues are present the overall health of your home or business structure as well as family members or occupants can also be compromised.  In addition, foundation problems will reduce the market value of your home by nearly 30%.

The foundations specialists here at Foundation Repairs & Home Improvement, whether for waterproofing issues, crumbling concrete foundation repairs, or prime issues with the mortar joints, are on hand to provide you with a free consultation, inspection and assessment that will include the source of the damage, the extent of the damage, the procedures required to resolve the problem and the overall cost to repair.  We take steps necessary to reduce your repair costs by providing effective and efficient solutions.

We have been providing our top of the line, foundation repairs and services for well over 30 years and fully understand not only the many causes of a compromised foundation, but also all the necessary state codes and regulations.  We utilize only state of the art foundation repair techniques and equipment and are committed to providing the highest quality services to all our valued clients in Bessemer and the surrounding towns.  We take all steps necessary to ensure the safety, effectiveness and efficiency of all work performed.

If your home or business is suffering from foundation issues, or you have noticed any of the above indicators that have resulted in a compromised foundation of your home or business, then don’t delay.  Reach out to the friendly, highly skilled team of certified foundation repair experts here at Foundation Repairs & Home Improvement today.  Don’t wait too long to schedule your free consultation, inspection and assessment.  We look forward to serving you and to providing you with the best all round foundation repair services this side of Bessemer.  Don’t delay.  Save the integrity and health of your home or business by contacting our team today!

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